-Author, Scholar, Adventurer-
Liam Corley
A quietly epic narrative, Liam Corley’s debut collection navigates previously unseen frontiers in 21st century soldier poetry.
With care and precision, these poems probe the dark, interior corners of American heroic ideals, marriage, family, and homecoming. In the collection’s titular work, he delivers “a poem for the other soldiers / citizens who never fired back [...]”
“[...] I see you with a yellow-ribbon wound
tight around your chest, looking down
when asked about the war [...]”
For veterans, family members, and other citizens living in troubled times, this collection provides a beacon of clear-eyed reflection, assessment, and hopes for the future.
However we identify—whether wounded or unwounded—this is war poetry for the rest of us. Order now from your local independent bookstore or mine: Cellar Door Books.

Can't wait to read the poems? Here are links to some that have already been published in journals. You can also watch me read them on YouTube.
"One War" and "Improvised Explosive Device" at The Line Literary, https://www.thelineliterary.org/liam-corley
“In Which I Serve as Outside Reader on General Petraeus’s Dissertation” and “Double Rainbow at Dawn, 15 North at the 10” in Wrath-Bearing Tree, https://www.wrath-bearingtree.com/2019/04/new-poetry-from-liam-corley/
“BLUF” and “In-Country,” in Inlandia: A Literary Journey, https://inlandiajournal.com/liam-corley/
"Terminal Leave," in First Things, https://www.firstthings.com/article/2014/12/terminal-leave
"Frame of Reference," in Strange Horizons, http://strangehorizons.com/poetry/frame-of-reference/
"unwound," in Chautauqua, performed by the author: https://youtu.be/8FIN6d-pbzA
"A Veteran Observes the Republic and Remembers Ginsberg," in Wrath-Bearing Tree, https://www.wrath-bearingtree.com/2018/03/new-poetry-by-liam-corley/